With a voice that's warm and kind, Julia's easy to listen to style makes listening to a book the most comforting thing you'll do all day.
I’m Julia Hamra.
Growing up, my grandparents always muted the TV when commercials came on, and I never understood it. I loved commercials! I still remember the first commercial jingle that stuck in my head. As a kindergartener, it wasn’t a product that I was interested in, but I can still tell you the number to call if you happened to be in the market for new carpet during the 1980s.
I also remember the first audiobook I listened to. It was a mystery on cassette, and I can still hear the creepy voice the actor used to portray the killer. It changed the way I read. Now, when I read books to my children, all of the characters have their own voice and sound. I like to joke that as a voice actor, I’m able to bring the voices in my head to life!
I want to be a voice you can listen to in the car that doesn’t make you immediately change the station because your music has stopped. I want to be the voice that makes you want to listen to just one more chapter. I want to be the voice that makes your textbook bearable. I want to be the voice that represents a company you trust.